January 20, 2013

No, I am not flexible.

"Do you want to join me a yoga lesson?"
"No thanks, I am not flexible."

I want to share one thing with you. Yoga is not only about flexibility... it is a path to balance your body and mind. It is a way to appreciate what you are and what your body can do for you. I could figure out how to maintain my good condition; minimising the existing lower back pain by practicing yoga.

Other thing that I learned:
"Without continuous practice, you won't get flexibility."





yoga JOURNAL(ヨガジャーナル)日本版

January 15, 2013

Yoga Wear

I have been practicing yoga at a sports club in a little tiny country (and a city). As the size of the market is considerably smaller than any other cosmopolitan cities, it is not easy to find a dedicated shop for sports. (there are some, but I have to admit that the selections are very limited.)

Very often my yoga mates ask me where I got all my clothing as well as gadgets for yoga.

Well... my secret is "be creative".

I am happy to share little tips - stay tuned.