March 30, 2013

Food Log, Day 8

I am lucky to have a nice classmate who informed me the day-light saving starting tonight! I forgot about it... So I will have 1h less sleep tonight :(...
But I've been having a very good quality of sleep since I arrived Malta and I should be fine with a short sleep for now.

Breakfast (@ Hotel)
- A small portion of white bread
- A glass of orange juice
- A cup of black coffee

- Marinated fresh vegetables (olive, onion, tomato, green pepper,herbs, olive oil, vinegar, garlic, artichoke)

- Maltese Red Beans Paste
- Kiwi, Banana & Apple cocktail

- ca. 1.5cm x 1.5cm raw chocolate
- Black coffee
- Rooibos Tea

- Vegetarian Rissotto
- Stuffed Mushroom for vegetarian
(The restaurant was very flexible not to put any cheese, milk and other products that I am not taking at this moment.)
- Water
- Lemon Sorbet

I have a breakout on my face, near lips... I wonder what this means. I know it is a sign from my body... Maybe I've been eating more than 80% of my apetite...

My teacher, Fred Busch, gave us a very valuable food talk today at our training studio. I am glad that I receive new information regarding what we eat/drink.
Here is the Food Talk video which was recorded in 2012.

March 29, 2013

Food Log, Day 7

Already 7 days has passed... :(...

Breakfast (@ Hotel)
- 1 white bread 
- A cups of black
- A glass of orange juice

Lunch (@ Training)
- Broccoli
- Carciofi (Marinated in Garlic & Extra Virgin Olive Oil)
- Maltese fresh vegetables (olive, tomato, onion, peppers, garlic and keepers marinated in vinegar, extra virgin olive oil, salt)
- Maltese red beans humus 
- Rooibos Tea

Snack- A cup of Decaf-Black Coffee
- Maltese crackers (vegetarian)
- Fruits cocktail (Apple & Banana)

- Water
Dinner (@ Restaurant)
- Vege Pizza
- Water

Note: No Chocolate No Wine :)

I am hungry again...

March 28, 2013

Food Log, Day 6

Good evening... Whoops,I almost forgot to update the food log. It's not because of laziness! I had many tasks to handle before everyone starts the long weekend.

Breakfast (@ Hotel)- 2 white bread - A cups of black- A glass of orange juice

Lunch (@ Training)- Tofu, Green peppers, Mushroom (lightly stair fried, salt)- Fruits cocktail (Peer & Banana) *It's not a cocktail with alcohol!
- Herbal Tea
Snack- A cup of Decaf-Black Coffee- Fruits cocktail (Peer & Banana)

Dinner (@ Hotel - bought at a deli)- Broccoli - Carciofi (Marinated in Garlic & Extra Virgin Olive Oil)- Maltese fresh vegetables (olive, tomato, onion, peppers, garlic and keepers marinated in vinegar, extra virgin olive oil, salt)
- Maltese crackers (vegetarian)
- Maltese red beans humus 

Note: No Chocolate No Wine :)

Thanks to my mother, who does not like meat at all, I grew up with almost no-meat diet at home. Schools provided various range of school lunch menus - most of them tasted very good as they cooked from scratch in-house! Fish? I remember I used to steal my grand father's Sashimi (especially high-quality Tuna)while I was carrying his plate to him!
But I preferred to have more vegetable than meat/fish - it was my natural choice since when I was little - we had no idea (and still many people back home have no clue...) about vegetarian and vegans. 

I was raised in the culture that "Eat everything that you have on the table, meals which have been served for you! Don't even think about leaving a piece of rice in your plate/rice ball!"
It means that we should not waste the precious source of living that we have been given by nature, and show respects (by eating up) to all works/efforts of farmers/fishermen/cooks and whoever prepared the meal for you.

But... we also say
"you eat (fill up) up to 80% of your stomach (= apetite)"
It means "do not overfeed yourself". 

Naturally, the amount of food to be prepared will be carefully considered - I think this concept is reflected on "Shojin Ryori" or "Kaiseki Ryori" - each plat holds small amount of food (seasonal ingredients) - but serve in numbers (sometime 7-10 different plats).
Ancestors were so wise :) 

March 27, 2013

Food Log, Day 5

I update the list earlier than usual as I am working on a manuscript of a power yoga sequence.

Breakfast (@ Hotel)
- 1 white bread
- A cups of coffee without milk
- A glass of orange juice

Lunch (@ Training)
- Dorma (Grape leaves with rice, sesame, lemon juice cooked in olive oil/water)
- Fruits cocktail (Kiwi, Orange, Banana) 
- Rooibos Tea

- A piece of white bread

Dinner (@ Hotel - cooked myself)
- A cup of Miso Soup
- Dorma
- Lightly stir fried green pepper, mushrooms, zucchini and silky TOFU
- A glass of French Organic Grown Grapes red wine (Finito, finito! The beautiful French organic red wine is finished... thank you to the wine shop owner!)
- Rooibos Tea

Note: No Chocolate

Extra Note:
I realized that I have (to some extent) different ideas toward food. I am pretty sure this is something to do with the culture where I am from. The culture & customs back in home have deep roots in Shintoism, Animism, Buddhism - we mix them in our daily life to appreciate what we are given. (this is the ideal part of my culture)
The bottom line for us (I am not talking about Monks here...) is that we are part of nature and we may consume other living things but we follow rules of nature, not to over consume, not to abuse the given nature only for our egos etc.
We "used to" respect the whole living nature... that is why we have those two words to mention before & after meals.
I put my gratitude in those words when I have meals.

Itadakimasu (I humbly receive. "Before meals, itadakimasu is said as a thanks to the plants and animals that gave their lives for the meal you’re about to consume. It also thanks all those involved, ranging from the hunter/farmer to the preparer of the meal.")

Gochisosama deshita
(Thank you for the meal, thank you for all plants, animals that scarified their lives, all those involved to prepare the meal. I enjoyed the meal and appreciate the love in the meal.)

March 26, 2013

Food Log, Day 4

It's time for the list:

Breakfast (@ Hotel)
- 1 white bread
- A cups of coffee without milk
- A glass of orange juice

Lunch (@ Training)
- Whole wheat past with stair fried Zucchini and flat beans
- Fruits cocktail (Apple, Orange, Banana) 
- Rooibos Tea

- Rice ball (Sicilian style, bought at a shop)
- 2 blocks of dark chocolate with pistacchio
Dinner (@ Hotel - cooked myself)
- Whole wheat past with 
stair fried Zucchini and flat beans 
- A glass of French Organic Grown Grapes red wine (one more glass then the bottle will be empty! I cannot waste the precious wine as I know the effort behind to produce good organic wines.)
- Rooibos Tea

Limited access to the kitchen utensils and ingredients make things slightly difficult to follow the rule but I am trying my best.
What I really miss now is good South Indian/Sri Lankan food...

March 25, 2013

Food Log, Day 3

It's 21:00 and time to keep my diet record on this blog!

Here is the list what I ate:

Breakfast (@ Hotel)
- 1 white bread
- A cups of coffee without milk
- A glass of orange juice

Lunch (@ Training)
- Stair fried Zucchini and flat beans 
- Fruits cocktail (Kiwi, Orange, Banana) 
- English Tea 

- A half of white bred
- 2 blocks of dark chocolate with pistacchio

Dinner (@ Hotel - cooked myself)
- Whole wheat past with organic pest sauce
- A glass of French Organic Grown Grapes red wine
- Rooibos Tea
- 2 blocks of dark chocolate with pistacchio

And tomorrow's list will be pretty much the same.

March 24, 2013

Food Log, Day 2

Here is the list of my Day 2:

Breakfast (@ Hotel)
- 1 (industrial) Chocolate croissant
- A cups of coffee without milk
- A glass of orange juice

Lunch (@ Training)
- Stair fried Zucchini and flat beans
- Hanuta (Haselnuts chocolate wafer)
Hōjicha (Houjicha) 

- A white bread with sesame

- Hanuta
- A banana 
- A few pieces of dark chocolate with pistacchio

Dinner (@ Hotel - cooked myself)
- Whole wheat past with organic pest sauce
- A glass of French Organic Grown Grapes red wine
- Rooibos Tea

March 23, 2013

Food Log, Day 1

Today was my first day at Power Yoga Teacher Training.
My teacher, Fred, gave us several assignments to work on during the training period (and the rest of our life!). One of assignments was to keep a "Food Log" every single day, every single things that we eat/drink. There is a reason why we do this, of course. I will eventually share the background on this blog.

I could keep this "food log" as a personal record but why don't I post my diet record on this blog? It won't hurt anybody by sharing what I eat... I guess.

Here is "What I ate" for the Day 1.

Breakfast (@ Hotel)
- 1 (industrial) Chocolate croissant
- 1 White bread with sesame with berry jam & butter
- 2 cups of coffee with milk
- A glass of orange juice

Lunch (@ Training)
- Stair fried Zucchini with lemon sardine (a canned, from France)
- 2/3 of Apple (peeled and cut)
- 1 White bread with sesame (from hotel)
- A scoop of Home-made Hummus from the youngest student in the course

Dinner (@ Hotel)
- A bowl of creamy mushroom soup (I am pretty sure it was made from an industrial packet)
- Salad (mushroom, olive, tomato, lettace, balsamic vinegar, olive oil)
- Crumbled white fish (I could tell it was frozen pieces...) with lemon juice
- Fresh fruits (Melon, Kiwi, Strawberries)
- A glass of French Organic Grown Grapes red wine
