April 13, 2013

Food Log, The Final Day

- 1 small white bread

- A cup of black coffee

- Humus
- Maltese Beans Dip

- Maltese Water Cracker


- Vegan Sausage
- Zucchini
- Sweet Potate
- Banana
Vege BBQ was fantastic!

- Water

- Green stuff

By the way, I am missing two days somewhere... how could it happen???
Anyway, what I had in those days would be pretty much the same as previous days...

April 11, 2013

Food Log, Day 19

My Shoulders are Still Evolving! 

Breakfast (@ Hotel)
- 1 white bread
- A cup of black coffee

- Humus
- Maltese Beans Dip

- Greek Salad (Keppers, Onion, Tomato, Oregano, Olive oil, salt)
- Two Pieces of Maltese Bread
- Rooibos Tea

Dinner (@ Hotel)
- Humus
- Maltese Beans Dip
- Green beans, mixed seeds
- Petite Tomate
- Gallette (Maltese Water Cracker)

- Mixed Berries Smoothie
- A cup of black coffee with Soya Milk

Green Stuff

Food Log, Day 18

Breakfast (@ Hotel)
- 1 white bread
- A cup of black coffee

- Humus
- Maltese Beans Dip
- Greek Salad (Keppers, Onion, Tomato, Oregano, Olive oil, salt)
- Rooibos Tea

Dinner (@ Hotel)
- Whole Weet Pasta with Broccoli and Cauliflower

- Banana & Kiwi
- A cup of black coffee

Green Stuff

April 8, 2013

Food Log, Day 17

I should stop taking Carbs...

Breakfast (@ Hotel)
- 1 white bread
- A cup of decaf black coffee
- Humus
- Maltese Beans Dip
- White beans

- Greek Salad (Keppers, Onion, Tomato, Oregano, Olive oil, salt)
- Rooibos/Mint Tea

Dinner (@ Hotel)
- Vege Risotto

- 2 pieces of brown Maltese Bread
- Rooibos Tea

- Decaf Black Coffee

April 7, 2013

Food Log, Day 16

I am doing my best to learn & memorize everything that I've learned but it is almost impossible... I am spending 24hours - (minus) 7hours = 17 hours per day for the study but everything is slipping out. if I let go, I am sure I will not be able to write anything on a paper during the exam.
Anyway, here is the list.

Breakfast (@ Hotel)
- 1 white bread
- A cup of black coffee

Tofu & Mushroom Sautee

Dinner (@ Hotel)
- Whole Wheat Past with Pest Sauce (Basil, Olive oil, Garlic)

- Banana & Kiwi
- Rooibos Tea


April 6, 2013

Food Log, Day 15

Breakfast (@ Hotel)
- 1 white bread
- A cup of black coffee

- Humus
- Maltese Beans Dip
- White beans

- Greek Salad (Keppers, Onion, Tomato, Oregano, Olive oil, salt)
- Rooibos Tea

Dinner (@ Hotel)
- Tofu & Mushroom Sautee

- Banana & Kiwi
- A cup of black coffee


April 5, 2013

Food Log, Day 14

Good thing about being in Malta is that I have an easy access to nice Mediterranean cuisines influenced by Greek, Italy and Turkey in supermarkets and they are, in general, taste very good!
I know already that I will miss all these food that I have been eating for lunch & dinner...

Breakfast (@ Hotel)
- 1 white bread
- A cup of black coffee

- Humus
- Maltese Beans Dip
- White beans

- Dorma
- Greek Salad (Keppers, Onion, Tomato, Oregano, Olive oil, salt)

- Japanese Houji-Cha (Tea)

Dinner (@ Hotel)
- Whole Wheat Past with Pesto Sauce (Organic. No Parmigiano!)
- Humus- Galletti

- Sesame Crackers


April 4, 2013

Food Log, Day 13

We have only 9 days to go... I am already sad and a bit worried about going back to Luxembourg...

Breakfast (@ Hotel, own food)
- Tofu, mushroom & broccoli salad

- Humus
- Broccoli and Mushroom with Tofu (lightly sautéed with salt) 
- White beans
- Greek Salad (Red, Yellow peppers, Onion, Tomato, Oregano, Olive oil, salt)

- Rooibos Tea

Dinner (@ Hotel, own food)

- Humus
- Broccoli and Mushroom with Tofu (lightly sautéed with salt) 
- White beans
- Greek Salad (Red, Yellow peppers, Onion, Tomato, Oregano, Olive oil, salt)

- Rooibos Tea

- A cup of Miso Soup
- Maltese Galleti (vegetarian)
- Humus
- A cup of black coffee


Food Log, Day 12

After a storm early in the morning, Malta's sky became super clear!
I just had to go to the sea to absorb the great energy from nature :)

OK, here is the list for today's "What I had"

Breakfast (@ Hotel)
- 2 slices of nice bread (These were much better than usual breads!)
- A cup of black coffee

- Humus
- Broccoli and Mushroom with Tofu (lightly sautéed with salt) 
- White beans
- Greek Salad (Red, Yellow peppers, Onion, Tomato, Oregano, Olive oil, salt)

- Rooibos Tea

Dinner (@ Gochi)
- Japanese vegetarian UDON noodle 
- Vegetarian Maki (Avocado) 
- Iced Green Tea

- A cup of Miso Soup


April 2, 2013

Food Log, Day 11

Looking forward to going back to my original diet as guests have left!

Breakfast (@ Hotel)
- A small portion of white bread
- A cup of black coffee

- Humus
- Marinated Artichoke- Martese Aubergine dip
- White beans

- Herbal Tea

Dinner (@ Valletta, Maltese restaurant...)
- Humus
- Marinated Artichoke- Martese Aubergine dip- Water

Food Log, Day 10

Having guests and eating out with them during the teacher training is quite challenging. But what can I say? I will do anything to achieve what I want! (this case, it's not about food... it's about yoga teacher training :))

Breakfast (@ Hotel)

- A small portion of white bread
- A cup of black coffee

- Humus
- Dorma
- Aubergine, Artichoke (marinated with extra vergine olive oli & vinegar)

- Kiwi & Banana

Dinner (@ Valletta, Maltese restaurant...)
- Dorma
- Dried Tomato
- Tasty home-made bread (a lot... as I could not eat anything else...)

- Extra Vergine Olive Oil with Salt & Pepper for dipping
- Water

April 1, 2013

Food Log, Day 9

While my guests were guzzling whatever they want to eat, I had followings:

Breakfast (@ Hotel)
- A small portion of white bread
- A glass of orange juice
- A cup of black coffee

- Marinated fresh vegetables (artichoke, Aubergine)

- Humus
- Dorma

- Kiwi & Banana

Dinner (@ Gochi)
- Vegetarian Sushi
- Vegetarian Udon (noodle made of flour & water, soup made out of vegetables  stock & soya sauce)

- Water

I am extremely happy that I could have the very tasty Japanese Udon! (not easy to find the real taste in Europe!) I just cannot live healthy without "UMAMI" (DASHI) too long... Now I am already thinking about the Udon again...

