March 27, 2013

Food Log, Day 5

I update the list earlier than usual as I am working on a manuscript of a power yoga sequence.

Breakfast (@ Hotel)
- 1 white bread
- A cups of coffee without milk
- A glass of orange juice

Lunch (@ Training)
- Dorma (Grape leaves with rice, sesame, lemon juice cooked in olive oil/water)
- Fruits cocktail (Kiwi, Orange, Banana) 
- Rooibos Tea

- A piece of white bread

Dinner (@ Hotel - cooked myself)
- A cup of Miso Soup
- Dorma
- Lightly stir fried green pepper, mushrooms, zucchini and silky TOFU
- A glass of French Organic Grown Grapes red wine (Finito, finito! The beautiful French organic red wine is finished... thank you to the wine shop owner!)
- Rooibos Tea

Note: No Chocolate

Extra Note:
I realized that I have (to some extent) different ideas toward food. I am pretty sure this is something to do with the culture where I am from. The culture & customs back in home have deep roots in Shintoism, Animism, Buddhism - we mix them in our daily life to appreciate what we are given. (this is the ideal part of my culture)
The bottom line for us (I am not talking about Monks here...) is that we are part of nature and we may consume other living things but we follow rules of nature, not to over consume, not to abuse the given nature only for our egos etc.
We "used to" respect the whole living nature... that is why we have those two words to mention before & after meals.
I put my gratitude in those words when I have meals.

Itadakimasu (I humbly receive. "Before meals, itadakimasu is said as a thanks to the plants and animals that gave their lives for the meal you’re about to consume. It also thanks all those involved, ranging from the hunter/farmer to the preparer of the meal.")

Gochisosama deshita
(Thank you for the meal, thank you for all plants, animals that scarified their lives, all those involved to prepare the meal. I enjoyed the meal and appreciate the love in the meal.)

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